Sunday, February 14, 2010

Samaire Armstrong Boobs In Its A Boy Girl Thing How Do You Pronounce The Name Of The Person Samaire Armstrong?

How do you pronounce the name of the person Samaire Armstrong? - samaire armstrong boobs in its a boy girl thing

I have a baby in October and I want a unique name, it will hardly ever run into anyone with your name. My name is Deanna and I knew that maybe another 40 Deanna in my life. (Unlike Katie, Carol, Amy, Sarah, etc. ...)..
So one of my first choice for baby Samaire or Samaria.
I thought the debate (Suh-MAR-EE), but still this girl actually says his name. She is a celebrity.

You know how it's pronounced new? Or do you have a different name really unique ideas to introduce to me?


  1. It's really Sah-mee-rah.
    Her parents initially pronounced her name "Sam-air for 3 months until they have learned Irish to speak if necessary.

    As for the use as a baby name, I think it should be. It is truly original and have never been someone with Samaire it should be.

  2. I think it is pronounced Sa-air

  3. Sa Sea. It was Anna D. Yay!
    Well, I know a Flavia (Flaa-Vee-AAH). It's weird.

  4. I saw a film about her life with him and his pronauced Sam-eer-ah. I love your name so
