Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sunfish Sail Boat Diagram How To Sail A Sunfish Boat?

How to sail a sunfish boat? - sunfish sail boat diagram



  1. A bluegill is a good student boat.Take one days with little wind. Wear a life jacket and try it. Find the wind direction, so that the light, throw everything and see what happens. Make sure that the keel down. Try the wheel, turning the port, which staarbord and see what happens. If you change the direction, position, turn the wind around 45 degrees. Then fill the sail and see where to go. See how the wind, you go and what happens when one of going beyond the point of the wind and the position of sergeant. It is a good boat for the experience and learn on their hands. Benefits learn a navigation safety, the rules of the road. Read a book on navigation during the winter.

  2. Make your purchase your sailing club and a beer. that you know everything you need to teach.
