Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome More Condition_symptoms Why Does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Hurt More When Laying Down?

Why does carpal tunnel syndrome hurt more when laying down? - carpal tunnel syndrome more condition_symptoms

He moved CTS. I think the operation in about 6 months (when I miss work).

I noticed that the pain is worse at night when I'm in the raised bed. You feel better when I get up and "shake" my arm.

CTS Why is it when laying down?


  1. Symptoms are magnified at night because the hand position on the same level of the heart, in the supply leads to pooling of fluid in the soft tissues into the canal. There are also hormonal changes which are quite complex, can cause fluid accumulation in the night. As a means to believe this, some researchers believe that high doses of vitamin B-6 can act as a diuretic and cause the liquid droplets in the carpal tunnel to relieve the symptoms.

  2. If you are on your stomach or arms, they can restrict blood flow to the swelling of the hands and leads to the nerve in the carpal tunnel press.

  3. Here is a link that is the video's health that can help ...

  4. If you sleep on your side, the angle of the head and neck pinched nerve in the neck, which CTS.Try looking at the back with one hand grasping each gluteal up at the ceiling. Thus, the tingling will disappear.
    If the CTS is your working folder, look for compensation caused by a worker, and perhaps the work will help to pay for treatment, or caused the issue of the CTS.
