Friday, November 6, 2009

Call To Undefined Function: Geoip_country_code_by_name PHP Fatal Error: Call To Undefined Function GetAntModelTblInfo()?

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function getAntModelTblInfo()? - call to undefined function: geoip_country_code_by_name

Can someone tell me why I this error and what can I do?

Also keep in mind that antModelTbl linked to another table called antVendorTbl in a head-to-one (well, without antVendorTbl it antModelTbl). This seems to be the problem because antVendorTbl works perfectly.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function getAntModelTblInfo () in / var / www / html / php / ... on line 6

\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt;? php
/ / Load feature to all information antModelTbl
include ( "getAntModelTblInfo.php");

/ / GetInfo (land, is $ field) if the application and scope amAntVendorID column siteZip "
getAntModelTblInfo (1 antModel);

1 comment:

  1. getAntModelTblInfo you must ensure that () actually in the getAntModelTblInfo.php

    and change include ( "getAntModelTblInfo.php");
    include ( 'getAntModelTblInfo.php');
